Turf Calculations

Here is the bit where you work out how much turf you need for the job.

Measuring your lawn with different widths

  • Measure the length by measuring the longest axis of length.
  • Every two metres along the length line measure the width of the area at right angles to the length line.
  • Total all widths, divide by number of width section to get average and multiply by length.

    For example: Length 13.5m;
    width 1 = 3m; width 2 = 2.5m; width 3 =4m; width 4 = 4m; width 5 = 3.5m; width 6 = 1.8m
    3m + 2.5m + 4m + 4m + 3.5m + 1.8m =18.8m
    18.8m/6 (total widths measured) = 3.13m
    3.13m x 13.5 = 42.25m2

Measuring your rectangle lawn

Measure length and width of the square or rectangular area in metres. To calculate the amount of turf required, simply multiply the length by the width. 

For example: Length 5m; Width 16m
16m x 5m = 80m2

It is easy to measure your lawn when it is an easy shape like a rectangle! But what about when it is more difficult like a circle or a triangle?

Measuring your circular shaped lawn

Measure the diameter of the circular area in metres. To calculate the amount of turf required, multiply diameter x 0.80 then by diameter again.

For example: Diameter 14.5m 14.5m x 0.80 = 11.6
11.6 x 14.5m = 168.2m2

Measuring your oval lawn

Measure the length and width of the oval area in metres. To calculate the amount of turf required, multiply length x 0.80 then by width.

For example: Length 26m; Width 14m
26m x 0.80 x 14m = 291.2m2

Measuring your triangle lawn

Measure the base and height of the triangular area in metres. To calculate the amount of turf required, multiply base x 0.50 then by height.

For example: Base 23m; Height 18m
23m x 0.50 x 18m = 207m2

Measuring your unusually shaped lawn

Measure by metres by firstly dividing area into sections of regular shapes i.e.: circle, square and triangle. To calculate the required amount of turf in square metres, apply the formulas for each shape and then add together to form total area.

Still perplexed?

Give Greg a call on 0419 029 969 and he will be able to assist. If the job is large, it may be better for us to come out to do the measure and quote for you.